UPDATE: Goldman Sachs Criminal Investigation
May 4, 2010 at 11:31 AM
DailyBail in Goldman Sachs Criminal Investigations, Goldman sachs criminal invesigation, SEC, doj, sec


We will utilize this 'tracking post' as the primary means of updating stories on the Justice Department's criminal investigation into Goldman Sachs as well as the SEC civil case.  Whenever I post a new story, I will move this post to the top of the site, which is the cue that something has been added inside. 

The newest stories will always be at the top.

As a default, please consider that each story has been hand picked for a reason.  To stay informed, read them all.


May 5

Bank Bailouts: Goldman's Debt to Society

Goldman Settles Naked Short Selling Lawsuit (AP)


May 4

Goldman Sachs now hit with 6 shareholder suits (Wash Po)

From Buffett, Thought-Out Support for Goldman (Andew Ross Sorkin)

Richard Bove: Goldman Sachs Execs Will Be Ousted Over Their 'Ineptitude'

What a Criminal Inquiry Portends for Goldman (NYT Dealbook)

Will Goldman Sachs Change Its Practices Before Clients Flee?

The Best Solution to Vampire Squid? Calamari


May 3

What Would A Criminal Charge Do To Goldman Sachs?

Blankfein: E-Mail `Callousness' Doesn't Represent Goldman

Goldman Loses Room to Maneuver After Public Testimony


May 2

Mr. Buffett Goes to Bat for Goldman, Moody's (WSJ)

Buffett Says Goldman Is Counterparty To Berkshire Derivatives (Bloomberg)

Buffett Says Goldman Shouldn't Be Blamed for Clients' Losing Mortgage Bets

Channeling Robert Rubin, Clinton Says Goldman Sachs Didn't Break Law (VIDEO)

Lloyd Blankfein On Charlie Rose (Video Excerpts + Full Clip)


May 1

BREAKING: Justice probe of Goldman goes beyond deals cited by SEC (Wash Post)

U.S. Faces High Stakes In Its Probe of Goldman (WSJ)

For Goldman Employees, Public Concerns and Shots (WSJ Law)

Goldman Sued By Hedge Fund Bankrupted by 'Shitty Deal' (FT)

Goldman didn't tell SEC about mortgage moves for months (McClatchy Investigative Article & Video)

Goldman, Abacus, IKB and King's County, Washington (LA Times)

At Buffett gala, all that glitters is not Goldman (Reuters)




Update on May 3, 2010 at 1:08 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Links for May 3 added...

Update on May 4, 2010 at 1:32 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Links added for May 4



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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