CNN Backs Off Arrest Report, Says Suspect Identified
Apr 17, 2013 at 3:49 PM
DailyBail in 9/11, arrest, attack, bombing, boston, boston marathon, cnn, suspect, terrorism, video

CNN backtracks and says no arrests have been made.



WATCH LIVE - Code Red Declared In Boston





(Reuters) - Investigators believe they have spotted a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing from security video, a law enforcement source said on Wednesday, but no arrest had yet been made. Police may make an appeal to the public for more information at a news conference scheduled for later on Wednesday, a government source said.

Three Reuters sources also disputed there had been an arrest.  Officials later confirmed the arrest report was inaccurate.  The suspect in the video had not yet been identified by name, two government officials said.


Check this out - Boston Bombing Suspect: Found By Reddit's 4Chan Think Tank - Photos of suspect


Conflicting Reports About Arrest Prompts Denials From Law Enforcement

“According to my sources, the man can be seen placing the backpack on the ground and he is on a cell phone call at the time,” Orr said. “While he’s on the phone, I’m told, an explosion takes place at the finish line of the race course. As soon as that blast went off, this man then, according to my sources, can be seen leaving that area and kind of just mingling in the crowd.”


Update: Videos point to 2 suspects in Boston Marathon bombing,0,3006353.story


Boston bomb suspect identified on video, no arrest made


Check out this photo - Supposedly of the suspect running from the explosion


New photos of the bomb and bomb parts



Did The FBI Know In Advance About Boston Attack?



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