Time To Sequester Air Force One Vacation Flights
Apr 8, 2013 at 1:52 AM
DailyBail in air force one, government spending, government waste, government waste, obama, obama, obama vacation, sequester, video

The last Hawaii vacation cost taxpayers $7.5 million.

Excellent clip.  Start watching at 1:10 if you're pressed for time.

Air Force One costs taxpayers $179,750 per hour.  It's time to sequester President Obama's use of Air Force One and limit it to official business rather than vacations, politics and sight-seeing tours.

New video from AFP California released yesterday.  



Must read from Daily Caller:

Taxpayers Spent $1.4 Billion On Obama Family Last Year


Michelle's Last Four Years - One Long Vacation


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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