The Revolution Will NOT Be Hannitized: Ron Paul Rocks The House At CPAC (Complete Speech)
Apr 6, 2011 at 8:32 PM
Dr. Pitchfork in CPAC, FREEDOM, cpac 2011, freedom, liberty, ron paul, ron paul

"The brushfires of freedom are burning..."

Video - Ron Paul at CPAC 2011 - Feb. 11, 2011

Paul was the landslide straw poll winner at CPAC 2010 - check out this clip of the announcement last year - and based on crowd response all week, we anticipate another big win Sunday.  C'mon, whom would you choose among Sarah Pailn, Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, and Dr. Ron Paul?  It's really not a fair fight.  And we almost forgot about TARP lover Mitt Romney and his insensitivity to 80-pound medical patients in wheelchairs.  Paul destroyed Romney in last year's straw poll.

Ron Paul 2012!

This is the complete speech from earlier today.  If you are not a fan, give this a listen anyway for just a couple minutes, and see if he doesn't strike a chord.

And the crowd goes wild.


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Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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