The Federal Reserve Vs. Bristol Palin
Nov 23, 2010 at 3:31 PM
DailyBail in bristol palin, fed, federal reserve, federal reserve, federal reserve investigation, qe2

This is a great clip.

Sarah Palin went after Bernanke last week, and tonight my mother and millions of others tuned into Dancing with Dumbfucks to watch Bristol flop around the stage.  What is this girl's claim to fame anyway, other than being a horrible student without direction and a famously pregnant teenager.  She's not particulary funny, interesting or charismatic.  Good god, we are doomed.  But you already knew that.


Who Taught Sarah Palin How To Spell Bernanke?


Related reading:

Audit The Fed: The Trillion Dollar Shadow

41 Facts On The History Of U.S. Central Banking

Robert Reich: The Fed's In Trouble

Bernanke & FED Warlords Head Back To Jekyll Island To Celebrate 100 Years Of Printing

Some bailout questions FED Czar 'Bernanke The Magnificent' STILL hasn't answered - MUST READ from the WSJ

SECRECY AT THE FED: Bernanke wants to keep AIG bailout debates hidden from public view

Fed President Thomas Hoenig Delivers Speech To Tea Party, Acknowledges Battle With Bernanke's QE Insanity (VIDEO)



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