The CNBC Money Dummy: Maria Bartiromo Asks 44 Year-Old Guest Why He's Not On Medicare
Sep 2, 2009 at 6:37 AM
DailyBail in cnbc video, cnbc video, maria bartiromo, medicare

Not wanting to be out-done by the senior who famously told his representative to 'keep the government out of his medicare', yesterday Maria Bartiromo asked a mid-forties Congressman "if Medicare is so great, why aren't you on it?" 

Let that sink in. Remember, she is marketed as one of the smart ones by CNBC.  After the Congressman explains that he's not 65, the Money Dummy still doesn't get it. The clip runs less than a minute.


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From the Huffington Post:

Earlier today, MSNBC's Carlos Watson hosted Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) and CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo for a discussion on health care.

At one point, Bartiromo was critical of the government-managed health care system in the United Kingdom. "How do I know the quality [of health care in the United States] is not going to suffer" with a public option? she asked.

Rep. Weiner reminded her that there already is government-managed health care in the United States -- namely, Medicare, the system created for Americans 65 years and older -- and that patients with Medicare report very high satisfaction rates.

Bartiromo's response to this argument was a true head-scratcher. In a mocking tone, she pressed the congressman: "How come you don't use it [Medicare]? You don't have it. How come you don't have it?"

Rep. Weiner, who turns 45 this week, tried to walk Bartiromo through it. "Because I'm not 65." But she was insistent. "Yeah... c'mon!" she exclaimed, laughing incredulously.


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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