The Character Of Our Currency
Nov 10, 2010 at 9:39 PM
DailyBail in bailout opinion, bailouts, bernanke, bernanke, dollar, fed, federal reserve, federal reserve, qe2


Guest post from contributor Wil Martindale, who blogs at:


With the recent Federal Reserve bailout of 600 billion U.S. Dollars into the corrupt money laundering system of the global banking dictatorship, has the furious wail of the people been reduced to an impotent whisper?

After the elections, Tea Partiers and Republicans mightily thumped their chests, vowing to uphold the “People’s mandate” of “fiscal responsibility” and “limited government” without compromise. The administration had already solemnly promised “no more bailouts”.

And yet, a day later, the FED publicly commits to trillions in successive bailouts, as if somehow the FED’s newly printed money, when used to purchase bonds, treasury’s or toxic debt-riddled securities, does not equate to massive, unlimited bailouts – in the exact manner predicted by letthemfail two years ago, when the first TARP outrage took place.

More slight of hand, or a desensitization, or both?

While other financial blogs attempt to analyze the motion of the pea as it moves from one shell to the next, in a sort of technical, post-mortem analysis of “follow the money”, we at letthemfail prefer to look at the larger picture. The specific directions or movements of “the pea” (money) between the “shells” (Treasury, the Fed, Primary dealers, market investors) is of much less interest than the overall realization that this is all but a grand game of deception.

For these are bailouts, pure and simple, and the deception is pure fraud–just as the rigged winnings on skewed bets which this money represents is pure fraud. And as we continue to see the fraudulent bailout evolving into different forms of deception, the slight of hand defines the character of our nation, as does our currency.


A nation’s currency reflects the value of the nation’s sense of worth: the value of it’s labor, the integrity of its people, and their character. For this is truly all that backs the full faith and credit of any sovereign. What are WE to be known for, as Ben Bernanke continues his horrific zombie bailout ritual?

Are we a nation of huckster’s and grifters, defrauding the world with our slight of hand for profit? Are we a nation of fraudsters – exploiting fools with get rich quick schemes? Are we nothing more than a nation of con artists and marks, laundering the proceeds of a global criminal enterprise through central bank slight of hand ? If so, then our “currency” is thus defined.

I believe the American people have much more to offer the world, but your central banker apparently doesn’t. He’s Hell-bent on devaluing your character, by devaluing your currency. And the question is: Will the American people continue to allow Ben Bernanke to debase this once great nation’s character?

You see, back when America defeated the evil villains of mass genocide, the maniacal Adolf Hitler and his Gestapo, and the Fascist Mussolini, and the evil “red menace”, our herioc role in the global theater was assured, and the respect of our global audience was well earned. With pride and honor, we set about to do great, humanitarian things–legislation like Hill Burton, and Glass Steagall, to name a few–and our pride of character was the envy of the world.

But today? What is our claim to fame–financial innovation? Legalized gambling? Government sponsored Ponzi schemes? Middle class wealth stripping? Corruption and fraud for profit? Is our new slogan, “We legalize the crimes that pay”?

People accuse Glenn Beck of fear mongering and “stirring up emotions, but offering no solutions” when he rallies to “restore honor” or asks us to question the content of our character. I say Glenn is spot on, when you come around full circle, and end up with the Bernanke currency debasement bailout.

Even in Great Britain, where the original Rothschild swindles gave birth to generational dynasty’s of money-lusting shylocks, some yet have the character to expose what is really going on. Yet here in the STATES, we continue to fear the great and powerful Oz … we continue to believe that the Fed is more powerful, and wiser and more omnsicient than any government of and by the people … more powerful than the character of the people themselves … letting it define their character, by their inaction.

If the puppet show continues like this here in America, and the people’s OUTRAGE continues to fall silent under the Fed’s cheap monetarist card trick, then the character of our currency will reflect the currency of our character. We have nothing to fear but our own apathy.



Previous stories from Wil:



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