Sen. Whitehouse: Foes Of Health Care Reform Are Birthers, Right-Wing militias, Aryan Groups
Dec 21, 2009 at 2:32 PM
DailyBail in congress, congressional hearings, congressional video, health care, health care reform, healthcare reform, sheldon whitehouse, video, video

Or not.  Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, you are a moron.  Perhaps some of us objected to the bill on its merits (lack thereof) and the continued giveaways to the insurance monopoly.  Wait until the young and healthy learn about the individual mandate en masse; this demographic who supported Obama, will be seething to learn that health care reform means they will be forced to purchase insurance at an average annual price tag of $4,000.

From the Washington Times

I approached (AUDIO) Senator Whitehouse following his speech on the floor, and his responses to my questions were puzzling, to say the say the least. Mr. Whitehouse said he stood by his speech, but would not admit that he was accusing anyone who was against the health care bill as racist. He did reiterate that birthers are part of the group that is against the bill and are attacking president  However, when I asked the Senator from Rhode Island what he meant by describing those who do not support the bill as "aryan," he responded "No, I didn't say that....again, pay attention to the speech."

According to the transcript above, Mr. Whitehouse did say what he seems to be denying.  Perhaps he should pay more attention to what he says on the floor.


To hear my feelings on the Senator's speech, click HERE (profanity warning) >>



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