Ratigan, Harvey Pitt & Senator Cantwell Deliver Geithner Beatdown
Nov 3, 2009 at 1:53 PM
DailyBail in bailout, banks, congress, dylan ratigan, dylan ratigan video, lobbying, politics, senator maria cantwell, video, wall street, wall street

Video: Former SEC Chair Harvey Pitt, Senator Maria Cantwell & Dylan Ratigan -- November 2

Member of the Finance Committee, Senator Maria Cantwell followed up her editorial on Wall Street's capture of Washington with an appearance yesterday on Morning Meeting.  Considering that Ratigan had Tim Geithner on the lobe for most of the day, you can imagine what happened.  Dylan Thomas Jefferson went straight for Geithner's Goldman-jaundiced jugular.


Senator Cantwell:

And within 3 hours, Cantwell's Senate staff was forced to issue a disclaimer, likely after a call from Rahm Emmanuel and Lloyd Blankfein.

From The Hill


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(MSNBC version in case the youtube video is pulled later.)

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