Lawyer For Maced Protester Demands Arrest Of NYPD Thug Anthony Bologna, DA Still 'Investigating'
Oct 13, 2011 at 6:21 PM
DailyBail in #occupywallstreet, #ows, Police, Police State, Wall Street Bailout, Wall Street Protests, anthony bologna, nypd, occupy wall street, wall street, wall street protests

Source - NY Daily News

The lawyer for an "Occupy Wall Street" protester zapped by pepper spray cited a double standard Tuesday in demanding the arrest of her uniformed assailant.

“Had my client been caught on camera discharging pepper spray into a circle of police officers, I suspect that she would have been speedily arrested,” wrote Ron Kuby to Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr.

Instead, NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna remains on the street long after the Sept. 24 incident captured on a much-viewed video.

“This is a citizen who was exercising her rights, attacked without provocation,” said Kuby.

He called for Bologna’s immediate arrest in the spraying of protester Kaylee Dedrick, 24.  Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the matter is under investigation: "That's going forward. That's being investigated both by Internal Affairs and Civilian Complaint Review Board.  Vance’s office  declined comment but a source said he  launched a  probe more than a week ago.

Dedrick was taken to a hospital emergency room for treatment after Bologna blasted her with the noxious spray from the other side of a mesh police barricade, Kuby said.  “It is now 17 days since D.I. Bologna discharged the spray felt ’round the world,” Kuby wrote Vance. “While there are published accounts that you are conducting an investigation, you have not attempted to interview my client or obtain her medial records.”

Kuby said there was enough evidence in a YouTube video for an immediate arrest warrant on misdemeanor charges.  Kuby said his client suffered two weeks of upper respiratory problems after she was sprayed.


Bologna is a multiple offender

You can see a video of the first 'macing' HERE. 

You can see a video of the second 'macing' HERE.


And here's a bit of background on Bologna:





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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