FLIP-FLOP Fed Chairman - Greenspan The Bank Fraud Denier! - FLASHBACK To Battles With Brooksley Born - PBS Frontline Video
Dec 16, 2010 at 5:16 PM
DailyBail in alan greenspan, alan greenspan, bank fraud, bank fraud, banks, brooksley born, frontline the warning, pbs video

Video:  PBS Frontline - The Warning

How quickly Greenspan sings a different tune.  A 1996 conversation is reported between Brooksley Born and then Fed Chairman Greenspan:



Stop!  Watch this.  From the FED celebration at Jekyll Island over the weekend.  Bernanke looks uncomfortable as Greenspan admits the truth.  Runs 50 seconds.

Greenspan, Bernanke and former NY Fed president, Gerald Corrigan - Nov. 6


Background story:




Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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