Examining The Market Decline -- China Craters 5%, Europe In Disarray Over ECB Funding FAIL, Dow Down 3% (LINKS)
Jun 29, 2010 at 2:48 PM
DailyBail in ecb, europe, links, stock market, stock markets, video

Video:  Greatest bankrupt/bailout clip ever -- Clarke & Dawe

Bankrupt governments bailing out other bankrupt governments bailing out bankrupt banks.  Definitely a winning formula.  Borrow, print, extend, pretend, spend and pray.  And the prayer part isn't working out so well.

Here's what's going on:


Europe is down 2-3%, as are the Dow, Naz and S&P 500.



Plus there's this gem:


Finally, the antidote:









Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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