Ding-Dong Pelosi's Gone, Cenk's Rant On Lobbyists, Ambrose On QE2 Risks, Bernanke & FED Warlords Head Back To Jekyll Island
Nov 4, 2010 at 3:23 AM
DailyBail in VIDEO ROUND-UP, bernanke, jekyll island, nancy pelosi, qe2, video

Video:  Ding Dong Pelois's Gone

Boehner is no better...


Video:  Cenk on lobbying control of both parties



War Is Sold Just Like Soda or Toothpaste - Washington's Blog

White House chief of Staff Andrew Card famously said - in explaining why the Bush administration delayed until September 2002 to make its case for war in Iraq:

From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August.

War is - indeed - marketed just like soda or toothpaste.


Bell Council Members Return


For the first time since most of them were taken away in handcuffs and jailed in a sweeping public corruption case, some embattled members of the Bell City Council met Monday evening in front of angry, jeering citizens.

Mayor Oscar Hernandez was escorted into the meeting by police, who said he fears for his safety.

Hundreds of residents jammed into the council chambers or stood outside. The crowds have become a regular occurrence since The Times revealed the oversized salaries of council members and other city officials. Eight current or former city leaders have been charged with misappropriating more than $5.5 million.

"We're here ready to serve the community," Hernandez said when the meeting was convened, 35 minutes late.

The crowd laughed, the sarcasm evident.

"Teresa, did you like the food" in jail? Coco Ceja, a longtime resident, called out to Councilwoman Teresa Jacobo. "You looked good in orange."



3 Charts Prove We Are In The Biggest Debt Bubble In The History Of The World




Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

QE2 risks currency wars and the end of dollar hegemony

As the US Federal Reserve meets today to decide whether its next blast of quantitative easing should be $1 trillion or a more cautious $500bn, it does so knowing that China and the emerging world view the policy as an attempt to drive down the dollar.




The Federal Reserve Is Holding A Conference On Jekyll Island To Celebrate 100 Years Of Dominating America





Yes, Pelosi was horrible, but check out the truth on Boehner:






Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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