BOMBSHELL VIDEO - Greenspan Admits To Rampant Fraud & Illegal Activity In U.S. Banking System While Sharing Jekyll Island Stage With Bernanke
Jul 10, 2012 at 1:53 PM
Dr. Pitchfork in FRAUD, alan greenspan, alan greenspan, ben bernanke, bernanke, corruption, corruption, federal reseerve, federal reserve conference, fraud, jekyll island, stunning admissions, the fed

Flashback from November 2010.  Runs 1 minute.

Video from the FED celebration at Jekyll Island.  Bernanke looks uncomfortable as Greenspan admits the truth.  Just don't tell Tim Geithner and Eric Holder.



By Dr. Pitchfork

Alan Greenspan made a stunning admission this Saturday at the Fed's shindig on Jekyll Island.  Sitting on a panel with Ben Bernanke and former NY Fed president, Gerald Corrigan, Greenspan says that many of the actions which led to the financial crisis were "certainly illegal," "clearly criminal" and amount to outright "fraud."  You'll notice in the clip that Bernanke was pretty clearly unsettled by Greenspan's remarks.  That's because Greenspan just admitted what many of us have been saying for years -- that crimes were committed in the financial system and that no one has been held responsible.  No one.  Not a single indictment from Eric Holder and Team Obama.  And all of this has happened under the nose of the current Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke.  That would be the same Ben Bernanke who takes credit for bailing out the people who committed those "illegal," "criminal" acts of "fraud."



Bill Black has been screaming the same for weeks:


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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