15 Reasons To Send Obama Packing
Nov 6, 2012 at 4:22 PM
DailyBail in 2012 Election, newsweek cover, obama, obama, obama sucks

This is not an endorsement of Romney, but an indictment of Obama.

Summarizing the Obama Presidency:

1) He's owned by Wall Street...link

2) He's a docile pet for the Geithner family...link

3) He reappointed Bernanke...link

4) Forced the Dalai Lama to exit the White House via the service entrance...link

5) He's a war-mongering misanthrope...link

6) Appointed 3 Chiefs of Staff who got rich on Wall Street...link

7) Generational Rape...link

8) Extended the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%...link....link #2

9) Hired Larry Summers and might rehire him to replace Bernanke...link

10) Worst golfer in the history of the presidency...link

11) Can't throw a baseball...it's much worse than you think...link

12) Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies...link

13) Cash for Clunkers and Homebuyer Tax Credit ($75 billion down the drain)...link

14) Thinks Wall Street banks did nothing illegal, just ethics, baby, bad ethics...link

15) Assassinates American citizens...link...disregards the Constitution...link

16) Loves him some bailouts...link

17) Supported Bernanke's $16 trillion stealth bailout of Wall Street...link


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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