Zingales On Breaking The Mega-Banks: "Yes We Can, Mr. Geithner"
Oct 8, 2009 at 4:26 PM
DailyBail in bailouts, banking system, banks, banks, bloomberg video, bloomberg video, dr. luigi zingales, geithner, regulation, wall street

Bloomberg's Matt Miller and Carol Massar sat down with University of Chicago Entrepreneurship and Finance Professor Dr. Luigi Zingales on Monday to discuss the economy and the state of the banking system.  Dr. Zingales offers his views on financial regulatory reform, banks becoming "too bigger to fail", Congressional ignorance and capture, and the ramifications of breaking up our largest banking institutions.

Zingales compares the proponents of the first stimulus to "physicians from the Middle-Ages practicing blood-letting" (take that Krugman!), and says that those who are calling for a second stimulus (actually it would be the 4th if you count Bush) are again mimicking the ancient physicians who would prescribe "more blood-letting" when the first round of useless treatment invariably failed.


Bloomberg is not allowing this clip to be embedded, so the above link goes directly to Youtube.

Also, please don't miss Zingales' outstanding essay Yes We Can, Mr. Geithner from this Spring.


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