World's Richest Man Gets Richer Supplying 'Obama Phones'
Oct 17, 2012 at 2:41 AM
DailyBail in carlos slim, links, links

Afternoon links:

Carlos Slim, World’s Richest Man, Gets Richer Supplying 'Obama Phones'


Goldman Sachs' investment gains lead to profit beat

Dartmouth Endowment Leads Ivy League With 5.8% Return

Israeli Cyber Attacks Targeted Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms In Iran

Ohio Early Voting Cleared by High Court in Obama Victory

Romney Has 22 Point Lead With Rural Voters

Iceland's Economy Now Growing Faster Than The U.S. And EU

VIDEO: What We Can Learn From Iceland (Young Turks)

GM Cadillac to start making ELR plug-in hybrid in late 2013

Amtrak’s Food Lost Taxpayers $834 Million in 10 Years - Bloomberg

Bill Shock: Customer Charged $14,766,481,895,641,556.00

GSEs Remain Backdoor Bailouts for Banks - Ritholtz

CHICAGO - Retired police officer shoots and kills his son, mistaking him for burglar

NY man kills masked teen, learns it's his son - Yahoo! News

Washington Could Become First State To Legalize Pot Sales

Greece's Biggest Company Quits Country

New Wave Of Complaints Against Chinese Firms Huawei, ZTE

Bear mauling victim found on Alaskan island

$20 Million 'Popcorn Lung' Couple Now Bankrupt



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