Who Wins, Who Loses & Who Pays? (Ritholtz, Huffington & Ratigan)
Aug 9, 2009 at 9:32 PM
DailyBail in Dylan Ratigan, aig, arianna huffington, bailouts, banks, barry ritholtz, dylan ratigan video, goldman sachs, political capture

(Guest post from James...commentary, transcription and links.)

In this clip from Morning Meeting, Dylan Ratigan discusses California foreclosures with Arianna Huffington and Barry Ritholtz, but he quickly brings the conversation back to the fundamental issue: who wins and who loses in this economic crisis, and at whose expense?  Great stuff.



As DR points out, executives at the investment banks and the large commercial banks received and have been allowed to keep ungodly sums of money despite having brought down the house of cards that was – and is – our financial system.  Unfortunately, our bought-and-paid-for Congress is still enchanted by the spell of too big to fail, TBTF.

 But wait, didn’t we already “take our government back” in November 2008?  Hasn’t Obama promised us reform, transparency and change?  We keep hearing a familiar, comfortable refrain from the White House and Obama says he gets it. 

 Ratigan again:

And this final quote from D Rat gives credence to what AB and others keep saying, the 2010 election might be a game changer:

Ratigan knows the deal.  Remarkably, he’s one of the first and only TV journalists to state what everyone knows to be true: the bankers own Washington, D.C.





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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