'We're Looking At $700 Billion Just To Pay Interest On The Debt!'
Mar 16, 2013 at 2:29 AM
DailyBail in Debt & Deficit, National Debt, QE, QE3, Rick Santelli, bernanke, bernanke, cnbc, cnbc video, cnbc video, debt, deficit, deficit, fed, fed balance sheet, federal reserve, federal reserve, interest on the debt, interest rates, national debt, national debt watch, quantitative easing, rick santelli

On Bernanke's balance sheet bubble.

'How will Bernanke deleverage into this market when the Fed itself owns the bulk of tradeable Treasuries.  Who wants to sell assets into a fragile recovery with the debt continuing to rise. Bernanke will delay, delay, delay!'

Yesterday on CNBC, Rick discusses the burgeoning cost of servicing our ginormous national debt -- $17 trillion is within sight, hell for that matter, $20 trillion isn't very far away.

Meanwhile the Fed's Debt Machine rolls on, lending $3 million per minute.



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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