WATCH LIVE - Paul Ryan Vs. Joe Biden VP Debate
Oct 5, 2012 at 10:22 PM
DailyBail in 2012 Election, joe biden, paul ryan, paul ryan, politics, ryan biden debate, undefined, video, vp debate, watch live

Vice presidential debate has ended.  This is the full replay.



DB here.

I've been occupied working on other stories while listening.  But to me, so far, Biden is killing the wonk.  Ryan looks like a supercillious accountant who carries 14 sharpened pencils, and Biden a strange mix of aging circus clown, Baptist preacher, and drunk dude sitting next to you on a plane.

Ryan.   Lean back and relax.  Shift around, use your arms, gesticulate, and stop trying to explain every detail.  That won't work.  You're trying to make people like you.  Not prove how smart you are.  Make fun of Biden.  Laugh at him.  Cuz, he's currently killing you there.

Biden.  Stop with reaction faces, all right.  We get it.  You want us to know that you think he's stupid.  We get that also.  You just did it again.  Stop.


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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