WalStreetPro2 Dissects The Latest Economic Numbers & Tells The Truth About The 1-Party System 
Aug 17, 2009 at 1:41 AM
DailyBail in bailout protest, bailouts, bush, economy, obama, protest video, rant, recession, unemployment, walstreetpro2

Kevin is a reader of John William's Shadow Stats apparently.  About 2 minutes in, he answers the question we are asked constantly either in comments or by email: why weren't you complaining about Bush's bailout policies or his deficit spending?...why are you picking on Obama?

And for the record, I have been complaining about deficit spending and the debt build-up for 2 decades.  I have criticized every President and every Congress since Reagan.

However, Obama fans should be aware that his deficits over his 4-year term will be quadruple the size of Bush's deficits.  And yes I understand that the economy is in worse shape and tax receipts are down sharply, but 4X(Bush) is a big freaking number.  Capisce.




Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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