VIDEO - Krugman Wants To Create A Keynesian-Infused Space Alien Economic Bubble To Revive U.S. Economy
Aug 17, 2011 at 12:41 PM
DailyBail in debt, economy, keynes, keynes, krugman, paul krugman, video

CNN Video - Academics Paul Krugman & Ken Rogoff debate the economy - Aug. 14, 2011

You gotta see this short clip.  Though superficially in jest, we do not doubt the powers of Krugman's Keynesian imaginative machinations.  How is this academic weasel still taken seriously.  One does not solve a massive debt crisis with more debt.  Paul must have loved Christina Romer's appearance with Bill Maher last week, as he appears to support whining in the dark, long after everyone stops listening.

Without a doubt the only positive of the last 3 years of stimulus failure, is the near absolute recognition that Paul Krugman is an idiot.


Attention Christina Romer: You Tried. You Failed. Shut Up.



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