Feb 21, 2013 at 4:25 PM
DailyBail in energy, facebook, fed, links, links, video, video, wall street, walmart

New feature on the Bail - Daily Video Collections.

Twelve videos below.

Biden - Caught on Camera

Biden admits gun control will not stop mass shootings or save lives.

Feb. 13



North America now King of Crude over Saudi Arabia.

Feb. 13 (Bloomberg) -- In today's "Single Best Chart," Scarlet Fu displays how the combined oil production of the United States and Canada tops output from Saudi Arabia.



Facebook's controversial tax refund.

Facebook pays no federal or state taxes.



Currency `Only Thing' Nations Can Move, Taylor Says

A rare media appearance for hedge fund tycoon, Taylor.

Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- John Taylor, founder and chief executive officer of FX Concepts LLC talks about governments' currency policies, the euro and U.S. dollar, and his investment strategy.



Why does the Fed watch Wal-Mart?



First Look at Apple's New iWatch

Feb. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Blogger Mikey Campbell discusses sketches found in an Apple patent filing that offers a glimpse of what the rumored "iWatch" may look like.



Navy's New $519M Combat Ship Conjures 'Star Trek'

Feb. 21 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Navy's Littoral combat ship may fall to sequester spending cuts while costs have doubled to more than half a billion dollars per ship.



Sneak Peek: Designing McLaren's New $1M Supercar

Feb. 19 (Bloomberg) -- A visit with Frank Stephenson, the design director for McLaren, to discuss the genesis of the million-dollar McLaren P-1.



Freestyle Skier Backflips Out of Avalanche Danger

Freestyle skier Severre Liliequist managed to avoid the path of a mini-avalanche heading his way by back flipping while skiing during the Swatch skiers cup.



Oliver Sarkozy, brother of former French President.

Sarkozy: Massive Gap in European, U.S. Bank Health

Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Oliver Sarkozy, head of global financial services at Carlyle Group, discusses the troubles of the European banking system.



Einhorn Calls Apple Plan to Stockpile Cash Flawed

Feb. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Dominic Chu summarizes today's conference call by Greenlight Capital's David Einhorn.



Another new Airport for Beijing.



Lloyd Blankfein interview with Wolf Blitzer.

Feb. 5



Rand Paul: Voters ready for Libertarian in 2016



Obama's Halloween! - Redistributing Candy

This is pretty entertaining.



Daily antidote:

Lucky Lab

Labrador is busy retrieving sticks from the water when he see the Orca.


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