Tuesday Links (Larry Summers Edition, January 5, 2009)
Jan 5, 2010 at 12:47 PM
DailyBail in bernanke, larry summers, links, links

No particular order of relevance or date.  You'll just have to sift through them for the ones that might interest you.

Is Larry Summers in Trouble?

Timothy Geithner Meets Vladimir Lenin

Scared Of An Auction, Greece Wants To Negotiate Interest Rates Behind Closed Doors

Japan Return to ’91 GDP Gives Market Mega Risk Crisis

European Inflation Accelerates To Ten-Month High

Your Legal Right To Redeem Your Money Market Account Has Been Denied

Bankers Get $4 Trillion Gift From Barney Frank

Fed chief calls for tougher regulation

Bernanke Says Rate Increases Must Be an Option

U.S. growth prospects deemed bleak in new decade

U.S. lifts $400 billion cap for Fannie, Freddie

Bernanke Still Does Not Understand Credit Crisis

Ben Bernanke's Huge Mistake About The Crisis Will Screw Us All

Maybe You Can: Essay on Banks Obama

Arizona's Coming Government Collapse - from Governor Jan Brewer


Spotty enforcement for new US air screening rules

New scanners break child porn laws

Freed Guantánamo inmates are heading for Yemen to join al-Qaeda fight

Are planned airport scanners just a scam?

Nigeria slams 'discriminatory' flight checks

Confusion in Europe after US demands more security


Fellow Passenger Daniel Huisinga Supports My Claim Regarding the "Man in Orange"

Bombshell Eyewitness Revelations: Confirmed FBI Cover-Up Of Flight 253 Attack

We talked with a fellow Flight 253 passenger, but he saw something different

U.S. Customs: Second person handcuffed on Christmas Day was on Flight 253, after all


Idaho GOP candidate Rammell expands on controversial prophecy in YouTube video

Bruce Levine Says Americans Are Broken: Is He Right?

Arizona May Abandon Speed Cameras on Highways

Barcelona votes to BAN Bullfighting


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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