Tom Delay Hopes That His Future Cellmate Has NEVER Seen This Video
Jan 16, 2011 at 1:37 AM
DailyBail in comedy video, congress, corruption, corruption, criminal justice, dancing with the stars, prison, tom delay, video

Video - Delay on Dancing with the Stars - 2009

SNL just ran 2 seconds of this on Weekend Update and I found it on youtube.  Call me disconnected from useless pop culture, but until tonight that I had no idea Delay was on that show, or you can be assured that I would have posted this gem some Saturday night long ago.  The dangerous part for Delay's future stay in prison is most evident starting at the 20-second mark and ending at about 32 seconds into the clip.

In case you missed it this week, Delay was sentenced to 3 years in prison after being convicted on money laundering and conspiracy charges.

Several links and more video are inside including this one...

Video - Dancin' DeLay Goes All Birthers, Guns and Pumps on Hardball


Tom DeLay: "Arrogance is Not a Crime"

During a Saturday interview with Fox News, DeLay said, "I have an ego and I have arrogance that I fight everyday. But arrogance is not a crime that you put somebody in prison for. This is a political trial."

DeLay added that he is a target of "selective prosecution" by former Travis County District Attorney, Ronnie Earle.


Tom DeLay: Liberals Sentenced Me To Jail (VIDEO)

Former House Republican leader Tom DeLay says his conviction on money laundering charges was a politically-inspired case brought by prosecutors in "the most liberal county in Texas."

DeLay tells NBC's "Today" show that prosecutors "never proved" their case against him. DeLay is free on bond after being sentenced to three years in prison and 10 years' probation on a conviction of scheming to illegally influence Texas elections.


DeLay lawyer says his client will never spend day in jail

(Reuters) - The attorney for former House leader Tom DeLay said on Thursday he is preparing a series of motions to appeal and overturn DeLay's conviction on conspiracy and money laundering charges.

Dick DeGuerin said in an interview from his Houston office that he is confident that DeLay will never spend a day in prison.

"I believe we will win the appeal, I believe his name will be cleared," DeGuerin said.


Video - Delay dances the Tango...


Video - DeLay Goes All Birthers, Guns and Pumps on Hardball

Chris Matthews interview with Delay in 2009 




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