The U.S. Bails Out Failed Industries, While China Buys The Rare Earth
Oct 26, 2010 at 10:40 PM
DailyBail in china, china, us

Why not use a trillion of the Fed's QE to buy some global natural resources instead of treasuries.  But that's not our style.  We run deficits to bail and stimulate a deleveraging economy that will not revive, while China buys the globe.

We borrow money from our grandchildren to bailout banks, insurers, hedge funds, private-equity shops, car companies, states, unions, houseowners, new car buyers, new house buyers.  Meanwhile China is using its surplus to buy every natural resource that's for sale, anywhere.

And not one word from Obama or anyone in Washington.  We are so supremely fubar in the long run, exhibiting the mass insanity of all empires in decline.  Fighting wars, spending massively, encouraging consumer debt, monetizing the national debt and destroying the greatest currency history has ever known - the once mighty U.S. Dollar.


America vs. China In 2020 - A Zombie Battle For Rare Earth Resources

A Halloween theme from Paul Farrell

Here are 8 demonic reasons why China’s aggressive “economic warfare” is also a secret long-term defensive military strategy:

1. Zombie-eating China has a long-range plan to conquer America

Listen closely, because the nuttiest theories are so often revealed later as hidden truths. Remember Delaware Tea Party Senate candidate “I’m no witch” Christine O’Donnell. You may question her credibility about secret classified documents revealing that China has a “carefully thought out and strategic plan to take over America.”

But still, the facts are that the China Zombie Eaters are destroying and devouring millions of American jobs.

We also know China is stealing U.S. state secrets, stealing proprietary patents, stealing our technology. We know China is hacking away, aggressively engaged in a not-so-secret cyber war against America. We also know China has forged alliances with America’s enemies, including Iran, Venezuela and North Korea.

So while you’ll chuckle at a non-witch’s “classified” plans, the fact is China Zombie Eaters are our worst nightmare, aggressively engaged in wars against America on multiple fronts.

As Ross Terrill, a China expert at Harvard, put it in the Wilson Quarterly: “The Chinese Communists are very aware of this contest with the United States, though Americans (beyond the Pentagon) are not.”

Yes, Zombie America is clueless about the threat. And, Terrill warns, our lack of awareness will destroy us: “By being a shrinking violet, the United States would simply hand over the future to China.”


2. Zombie-eating China ‘buys’ Australia with surplus U.S. dollars

Want more proof?  Read Malcolm Knox’s recent piece in Bloomberg-BusinessWeek.  Wake up Americans. While our Zombie Politicians are fighting selfish turf wars this election cycle, China is using its foreign currency reserves (U.S. dollars) to buy rights to Australia’s commodities and natural resources, giving China Zombie Eaters long-term access to natural gas, minerals, iron ore and more.

A lot of those resources are found in Queensland, Australia, the home of John Quiggin, the economics professor who wrote the book “Zombie Economics.” Quiggin also summarizes the five main undead ideas of “Zombie Capitalism” in Foreign Policy magazine.


4. China Zombie Eaters are aware of Pentagon war strategies

That trawler incident got me thinking of the Pentagon study from Fortune back during the Bush/Cheney years: “By 2020 there is little doubt something drastic is happening.” The Pentagon warned that “as the planet’s carrying capacity shrinks, an ancient pattern of desperate, all-out wars over food, water, and energy supplies would emerge ... warfare is defining human life.” You can bet China’s generals have the same strategic playbook.

Krugman fears the Zombie Eaters long-range plans: “I don’t know about you, but I find this story deeply disturbing, both for what it says about China and what it says about us. On one side, the affair highlights the fecklessness of U.S. policy makers, who did nothing while an unreliable regime acquired a stranglehold on key materials. On the other side, the incident shows a Chinese government that is dangerously trigger-happy, willing to wage economic warfare on the slightest provocation.” Maybe even military action?


5. Zombie-eating China way ahead of Pentagon’s war planners

Krugman calls this “economic warfare.” But the Marine Corps veteran in me sees a long-range strategy of out-flanking a complacent Zombie America.

It’s well-known the China Zombie Eaters are making deals all over the world — in Africa, South America, Russia and Asia — tying up long-term natural resources, using their surplus credits of U.S. dollar reserves to lock up essential global commodity futures.  Meanwhile America’s Zombie Politicians waste time in myopic election turf wars for personal gain, failing to see that America’s consumers and taxpayers are financing China’s war plans.  Wake up.  Admit it.

So to echo Krugman: I don’t know about you, but on so many fronts China’s behavior smells like their leaders are doing lots more than expanding China’s economy (the Foreign Policy Journal predicts China will explode from 11% to 40% of the global GDP by 2040, creating a $123 trillion economy that will dwarf America’s GDP).

But even more deeply disturbing, China’s behavior tells us they are obviously engaged in long-term defensive military strategies as well as economic planning, and that in the future, another trawler incident may well provoke dangerously trigger-happy Chinese leaders into escalating from defensive military strategies to a preemptive strike protecting China’s economic power.

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