The REAL Cost of the Mid-Terms: Politicians Spent $4.2bn on Ads - The Most in U.S. history
Nov 10, 2010 at 11:13 AM
DailyBail in elections, elections, politics, politics

It's ok, Meg, you still have billions.  My 3 favorite Ads from this year inside.


Politicians spent a staggering $4.2billion on campaign TV ads in the run-up to last week’s mid-term elections, it was claimed today.

The 1.48 million television spots were the most for any election in U.S. history – including the 2008 presidential campaign.

And some of the cities where candidates spent the most were in areas most blighted by the nation’s economic slump.

Top of the spending league was Ohio, where Democrats and Republicans battled tight races. Cleveland was first with the state capital, Columbus, coming in second.

Combined, politicians and third party groups spent $564million in Ohio, according to the non-partisan Campaign Finance Institute.

The political spending spree came against a backdrop of a state jobless rate of 10 per cent, its highest in 27 years.

In Cleveland, one out of every four commercials in the days before the election were paid for by a candidate or a political group, according to the Nielson Company that drew up the list.

Fourth in the high spending ad table was Sacramento in California, where former eBay boss Meg Whitman spent more than $140million of her own money in her unsuccessful bid to be governor and wealthy former  Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina also lost out in the Senate race.

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Best ads from this year...

"I'm not a witch, I'm you..."

This one is better:


Dale Peterson...




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