The Lying Bankers Song: We Didn't See It Coming (VIDEO)
Aug 31, 2010 at 1:32 AM
DailyBail in auto-tune the news, bankers song, banks, housing, housing bubble, housing crash, music video, song, song

It's late, and I've written extensively in the past on the many economists/writers/bloggers/fund managers who did in fact see the housing crash coming.  From Todd Harrison, Mish,, Calculated Risk to Dean Baker, Peter Schiff, William Black and dozens if not hundreds more.  Remind me in comments all the names I'm forgetting.  And enjoy the brand new song.


Video: Auto-Tune the News

From the youtube page:

"How Wall Street Made The Crisis Worse" by NPR's Planet Money in collaboration with ProPublica:

This song, fondly entitled "We Didn't See It Comin", by The Gregory Brothers with some help from various titans of finance, not to mention the FCIC, scrutinizing in the key of B minor.

Planet Money:










Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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