The Deficit President Goes To Maine
Jul 19, 2010 at 2:09 AM
DailyBail in BP OIL DISASTER, gulf oil spill, obama, obama, oil spill

Video:  The First Hypocrites visit Maine instead of the Gulf of Mexico.

I'm sorry, did somebody say oil spill?


Video:  Michelle Obama, makes the case for Gulf vacations.


Guest post from Z.  Funny stuff.


Obama in Maine...WTF...I was there a few years ago and it is the whitest place on earth, a bunch of berkinstock wearing Ben & Jerry’s vanilla ice cream eating crackers from Beantown.  He will fit in fine with all the global warming twits who first went to Portsmouth, NH but didn’t stop there.  Dubya must not be in Kennybunkport or I am sure Barry would plan a flyover and maybe even parachute in to enjoy a fish fry with Barbara and family.  I am sure Barry would enjoy some battered code and some grilled corn on the cob.

Yes, Michelle might want to swim back to D.C. but we all know she couldn’t swim around West Quoddy Head.  Maybe the first family will climb Cadillac Mountain and plant the flag of Kenya up there and decry the white man’s foibles.  Or, they could go on a boat ride and agitate some whales.  Maybe the northern version of Jimmy Buffet, Mr. James Taylor, could join them to serenade Barry and Michelle with his Fire and Rain song.  It is all about James’ drug addiction.  Barry can reminisce about Columbia and his Pakistani roommate.  The first kids will likely want to go on one of Michelle’s secret hikes like when they were in North Carolina.  They can sneak up on a bigfoot and have a Hillary in Bosnia press moment. 

Who knows, maybe they are bringing a few of their new Gitmo pals who have been recently taught how to play Playstation 3 and many other western influenced life skills they so cherish.  Aamir and Naseef could help look after the kids. 

Didn’t Sarah Palin say she could see Maine from her house?  Ah Maine, the way life should be.  They can shop.  Maine is in a desperate bid to sell their abundant carbon credits.  The Obama’s can buy a few hundred thousand worth to offset the press corp’s pathetic footprints as they beam at the sheer joy of watching Malia and Sasha throw sticks into the water for Bo to fetch.

I’m sorry, did somebody say oil spill?





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