The Bizarre Story Of Hermitage Capital & The Russian Mafia
Sep 20, 2011 at 1:31 PM
DailyBail in FRAUD, government corruption, hedge fund, hermitage capital, putin, russia, russia, video, william browder

This is a lesson for would-be financiers dreaming of striking it rich in Russia - forget about it.  Hermitage Capital co-founder William Browder is now financial enemy #1 of the Medvedev puppet regime, and he didn't even do anything for the honor. 

Well, except that he's had the courage to fight back against Putin, and other corrupt Russian officials who succeeded in stealing his investment business, while he was out of the country.  Makes the vacation coup Paulson pulled on Corzine seem like a kid's game.

See related:

Russia Asks Interpol To Arrest Browder

NY Times on the Hermitage Story


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