THE ARROGANCE OF OBAMA: The Deficit President Doesn't Care About Your Opinion On The Debt Ceiling
Jul 19, 2011 at 4:32 PM
DailyBail in Debt & Deficit, National Debt, debt ceiling, debt ceiling, national debt, obama, obama, video

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How soon is November 2012?

The second they raise the debt ceiling, things will return to normal - borrowing 43 cents of every dollar and spending like Nicolas Cage on a slow night with only a half a dozen hookers. Here's a thought.  Cut the military-industrial killing machine in half and we'd be off to a good start - that's $800 billion annually, at a minimum - and end the ridiculous wars.

During his Monday press conference on the ongoing debt ceiling General Hospital, the Deficit President momentarily lost sight of his teleprompter and said that 'professional politicians understand the debt crisis better than the general public.'

Citing a poll in which 69 percent of Americans oppose raising the debt limit, Chip Reid asked The Obankster if the problem was that he and others had "failed to convince" the American people that "we have a crisis here."

Wall Street's favorite politician responded:

"Let me distinguish between professional politicians and the public at large.  You know, the public is not paying close attention to the ins and outs of how a Treasury auction goes.  They shouldn’t.  They’re worrying about their family, they’re worrying about their jobs.  They’re worrying about their neighborhood.  They have got a lot of other things on their plate.  We’re paid to worry about it."


Unrelated but important:




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