SNL Spoofs Bloomberg’s Occupy Wall Street Crackdown
Oct 18, 2011 at 1:29 AM
DailyBail in #occupywallstreet, #ows, Wall Street Bailout, Wall Street Protests, comedy, comedy video, comedy video, mayor bloomberg, saturday night live, snk, wall street, wall street protests

Video - Saturday Night Live - Oct. 15, 2011

Moderately funny, but the exposure is what matters.

“While these protests began in New York, these other protests have spread around the globe, proving once again that New York sets the trends and the rest of the world follows.”

He added: “So with all due respect to Chicago, Los Angeles, and London, if you’re looking to vent your rage at a system where the richest 1 percent controls 40 percent of the planet’s wealth, there is no better time, and no better place, than autumn in New York.”


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