Seated Next To Alan Blinder & William Poole, Peter Schiff Says: "Ben Bernanke Has Never Gotten Anything Right"
Dec 24, 2009 at 2:16 PM
DailyBail in alan blinder, bernanke, bernanke, federal reserve, federal reserve, peter schiff, peter schiff, video, video, william poole

Video: Two blind mice and a badger -- Peter Schiff, William Poole & Alan Blinder -- Nov. 27, 2009

This is pure awesomeness.  Schiff has brass cojones, which is why we can't wait to see him in the Senate in 2010, after he lays waste to Captured Christopher (Dodd).


Text from youtube author:

Putting Peter Schiff on a panel with St. Louis Fed President James Bullard and former Fed Vice Chair Alan Blinder is asking for trouble or, at the very least, a heated debate.

That's just what occurred last Sunday night in New York at an event sponsored by Princeton's Business Today.

Predictably, Euro Pacific Capital's Schiff disagreed with Bullard and Blinder on just about everything, including the government's role in causing the crisis, and the outlook for the economy and the dollar.

But the most contentious moment came toward the end of the evening when a student asked the panel to comment on Ben Bernanke's 2005 "global savings glut" theory, and what role China's high saving rate played in the credit bubble.

Schiff's response, "Ben Bernanke has never gotten anything right," generated some guffaws from the crowd and a sharp retort from Blinder and Bullard, who rose to Bernanke's defense.


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