Santelli Battles Kashkari & Liesman: 'Ditch The Band-Aids And Duct Tape; The Problem Is Insolvency!'
Aug 6, 2012 at 12:09 PM
DailyBail in Rick Santelli, cnbc video, federal reserve, kashkari, rick santelli, steve liesman

Kashkari is well aware that it was always a solvency crisis (Wikileaks Cable)...

For those unfamiliar, Steve Liesman is CNBC's most highly-decorated bailout apologist and Neel Kashkari managed TARP for Paulson and then Geithner, before going to the woods for 6 months to chop wood and read Thoreau on a circuitous route to PIMCO.

So when he was at Treasury (the ultimate sell-side bank), Kashkari would often say that TARP was essential for the preservation of financial stability while making vague allusions to super-galactic devastation and destruction that was avoided only through righteous and swift Paulson bailout action.  But now that he's at PIMCO (the buy-side), Kashkari calls the Euro bailouts 'band-aids and duct tape.'

Consistency is overrated anyway, right?

Kashkari is well aware that it was always a solvency crisis (Wikileaks Cable)...



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