Video: January 12, 2010 -- Town Hall -- Clemson, South Carolina
If you're pressed for time, start watching at the 1:30 mark. Nothing special in this clip, unless you enjoy informed voters confronting their elected representatives over the bailouts and giveaways to Wall Street. Always enjoyable when the voter knows the issue better than the Senator.
(All text below is from the youtube user who made the video)
Lindsey Graham held a town hall meeting tonight (1/12/10) at Clemson University near his hometown of Central SC. He had a lot of hometown supporters which was obvious.
It lasted almost 2 hours. He gave the usual talking points about wanting to attack Iran.
He claimed he was against cap and trade even though hes not. He talked about government spending being out of control depsite his votes to increase it.
Graham said he would stand behind Obama and encourage him to attack Iran to keep them from creating a nuclear weapon and engaged in fear mongoring.
He also said naked body scanners should be mandatory for everyone who wants to fly on a plane. Most of the crowd seemed to be in a trance by his spin and lies and BS.
He said the Republican party needed to move to the center more. Many Ron Paul supporters were there and spoke out a lot. I hope to compile more footage of some of the other questions.
I held my arm up for 2 straight hours to ask him a question. I was wearing a Live Free or Die Infowars Tshirt. Graham passed me by multiple times depite me being on the aisle in the 5th row. Even the folks all around me found it obvious that i was being avoided due to my camera and shirt. One man was thrown out who had a live free or die tshirt for yelling.
He ignored all of my questions about bankergate. Because he knows whats going on he helped to engineer it.
( is above)