Rand Paul Takes Lead In Kentucky Senate Race
Nov 4, 2009 at 6:52 PM
DailyBail in bailouts, congress, dr. rand paul, elections, elections, government, libertarian, politics, poll, rand paul, senate, video, video


As most of you know, Libertarian Eye Surgeon Dr. Rand Paul is in a heated race in Kentucky to replace retiring Senator and hall of fame pitcher, Jim Bunning.  Paul, running as a Republican, is not well liked by the state GOP establishment who is supporting Trey Grayson instead.

In The Agora's Joshua Clayborne notes today that Paul has overtaken Grayson according to the most recent polling data, and has raised substantially more than Grayson to date.

Read the enitre article HERE

See also: 

Rand Paul Officially Declares (Cavuto Interview)


Watch (don't click unless you're coming from our email newsletter -- video is below)

Youtube Video: Dr. Rand Paul On MSNBC's Morning Joe -- September 17


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Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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