Police Attack Military Veterans, Arrest 100 At Occupy Boston
Oct 11, 2011 at 12:45 PM
DailyBail in #occupyboston, Police, Police State, Wall Street Bailout, Wall Street Protests, occupy boston, occupy wall street, protest, video, wall street


The Boston Globe reports that arrested protesters were “put on [their] stomach, cable-tied, and dragged away …”

The AP reports the police were sent in to protect $150,000 worth of newly-planted shrubs at the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway, site of a large Occupy Boston contingent. As news of the arrests spread across Twitter early Tuesday, several videos emerged that support the claim that members of  Veterans for Peace were attacked by the police.



At least 100 arrested at Occupy Boston protest


But it was not until after 1 a.m. ET Tuesday when hundreds of Boston and Transit police officers, some in riot gear, moved in on the group, handcuffing protesters and tearing down tents.

“At 1:30 this morning hundreds of police in full riot gear brutally attacked Occupy Boston,” the group said in a news release, adding that authorities “made no distinction between protesters, medics, or legal observers.”

Civil disobedience will not be tolerated,” Boston Mayor Thomas Menino told the local Fox News affiliate in an interview early Tuesday.


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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