Plan B: Cut Benefits To Bankers
Feb 17, 2011 at 1:16 AM
DailyBail in Wall Street Bailout, banks, banks, video, wall street, wall street

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Bankers' Benefits

Shockingly, banks are the most heavily subsidised businesses in the world. We give them over £130 billion in subsidies and benefits every year. Without these subsidies and benefits, the banks wouldn’t be making any profits, and they certainly wouldn’t be paying bonuses right now.

Banks, on the face of it, don’t come across as the kind of businesses that need benefits. The truth is that the only reason the banks are the richest companies in the world is that we are paying for it.

Most organisations receiving support from the government are given it for things that benefit or provide services to us; libraries provide free books, nurses provide healthcare, and teachers provide education. The banks don’t give anything back at all, and the benefits we provide them actually harm us more than if we didn’t give them any at all.




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