Peter Schiff & Henry Blodget With Dylan Ratigan (VIDEO)
Aug 27, 2010 at 6:49 PM
DailyBail in Dylan Ratigan, dylan ratigan, dylan ratigan video, henry blodget, peter schiff, peter schiff, stimulus, video

Video:  On the economy and stimulus -- Aired Aug. 25, 2010

Great clip.  Schiff is outstanding when it comes to discussion of Keynes and stimulus.

Update from Henry Blodget:

Dylan Ratigan was kind enough to have me and Peter Schiff on his show yesterday.

Dylan set the stage and then put the question on the table: What the heck is wrong with the economy?

My answer: Too much debt, too many houses.

Peter's answer: Absurd drug-addict-like stimulus hastening bankruptcy of already bankrupt country.

Dylan's answer: Banksters.

Regardless of the specific cause, there was one thing we all agreed on: It's going to be a long, slow, austere return to living within our collective means.




You gotta see this one:







Don't miss the Larry Summers joke in the first 30 seconds.  This is a phenomenal clip.



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