Pelosi Says She’s Running ‘Most Ethical And Most Honest’ Congress Ever (VIDEO)
Mar 1, 2010 at 1:34 PM
DailyBail in congress, congress, corruption, corruption, fraud, nancy pelosi, pelosi, video, video

Video:  February 26, 2010

Some mid-day comedy from fraulein fraudster:

CORRUPTION WATCH: Taxpayers pay $101,000 for Pelosi's in-flight 'food, booze'

CNS News:  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) insisted on Friday that she is running the most ethical and honest Congress in history. At the same time, however, she indicated she will not ask House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel (D.-N.Y.) to resign his chairmanship—at least for now.

Rangel was admonished this week by the ethics committee for taking corporate-funded trips to the Caribbean.

Pelosi noted that the ethics committee is looking into other issues involving Rangel, and made it clear that she was interested in seeing the results of the investigation.




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