Paul Ryan Calls For Eric Holder's Resignation Over F&F
Oct 1, 2012 at 12:53 PM
DailyBail in Guns, eric holder, eric holder, fast and furious, guns, obama, paul ryan

Ryan Says Holder Must Go Over Fast And Furious

Daily Caller Excerpt

Ryan’s call for Holder’s ouster over Fast and Furious comes a day after he told a sportsmen’s group that gun owners should be worried about Obama trying to infringe on their Second Amendment rights if he is re-elected.  Speaking about Fast and Furious specifically, Ryan said at the Saturday event that such an operation “would never occur under a Romney-Ryan administration.”  Ryan now becomes the 131st House GOP member to demand Holder’s resignation over the scandal.

Fast and Furious was a program of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, overseen by Holder’s Department of Justice. It sent thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels via straw purchasers — people who purchased guns in the United States with the known intention of illegally trafficking them somewhere else.

Fast and Furious guns were used to kill U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry on Dec. 14, 2010, in Peck Canyon, Ariz.

Others whose murders have been connected to Fast and Furious weapons include Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata and Mexican citizen Mario Gonzalez. Gonzalez’s sister, Patricia Gonzalez, was the state prosecutor for the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Univision has recently reported that hundreds more people were murdered with Fast and Furious weapons, including those it decsribed as “16 young people attending a party in a residential area of Ciudad Juárez in January of 2010.”

Mexican government officials have estimated that at least 300 people in Mexico were killed with Fast and Furious weapons.

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Rep. Allen West calls for Eric Holder's removal over Fast and Furious.


Candidate Obama crusades against hypocrisy on Larry King Live in March 2007.

"What you get a sense of is an attorney general who saw himself as enabler of the administration as opposed to somebody who was actually trying to look out for the American people’s interests.  For that reason, I think it’s time for Alberto Gonzales to step down and for another attorney general — one who can exercise some independence — to be put in place for the remainder of this president’s term."

We will now take a 5-minute break for anyone who needs to vomit.

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Univision's Bombshell Report On Fast & Furious

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