OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria On Spain, Portugal, U.S. Deficit, Global Food Inflation & Imbalance
Feb 18, 2011 at 2:05 PM
DailyBail in Food Prices, Food Riots, Spain, angel gurria, deficcit, food inflation, portugal, spain, video

Editor's Note: Video is full-size - Bloomberg clips appear small before playing.

Video - Angel Gurria, secretary-general of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, talks about efforts to address fiscal problems in Spain and Portugal. Gurria also discusses imbalances in the food supply chain, global inflation threats, the U.S. deficit and the outlook for this week's Group of 20 finance ministers meeting - Feb. 17, 2011





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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