Obama: Is He Keynesian Or Kenyan? - We Are Doomed!
Nov 2, 2010 at 4:51 AM
Dr. Pitchfork in debt and deficit, federal debt, federal deficit, keynes, national debt, obama

Second City goes to the Rally for Sanity and/or Fear to talk to people about Obama's economic philosophy.


This is a must see.  The reality that we are a nation of idiots will be demonstrated beyond any doubt once you hit play.

How do you spell 'insurmountable deficit and unfunded entitlement tsunami' in a language that the sheeple understand.

Video:  No one gets the joke...

This is not meant to be commentary on Obama's place of birth, rather the idiocy of Obama followers who have no idea that our nation's future is being flushed down the toilet with Lord Keynes.





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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