Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack Breaks Bread With Gasparino (Clip)
Sep 22, 2009 at 4:39 PM
DailyBail in bailout, cnbc video, cnbc video, john mack, leverage, morgan stanley, tarp, wall street

Excellent interview with outgoing Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack from September 11, as he sits down with Gasparino and the CNBC Power Lunch crew.  Caruso-Cabrera and Bill Griffeth also participate.  Leverage on Wall Street and the financial crisis dominate the discussion, and Charlie doesn't disappoint as he takes a few shots at Bernanke, Geithner and the other failed regulators. 

Can't say the same for Mack, as he offers the golden excuse that "no one saw it coming."  What a load of bullshite, as he dutifully joins the long list of regulatory apologists.  The Gasparino shot at Hillary Clinton was entertaining as well.  The clip improves after the 5 minute mark.


Video runs 15 minutes...if you're pressed for time, skip to the 5:45 mark to begin watching.


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