Monday Links (16 Articles, December 21, 2009)
Dec 21, 2009 at 4:18 PM
DailyBail in bailouts, banks, geithner, links, links, wall street

Don't Blame Citigroup For The Latest Outrage--It Was Tim Geithner's Fault

The Audacity of Debt: Comparing today's deficits to those in the 1980s

Swiss Regulators To Banks: Triple Your Cash Holdings

Mission not accomplished (By Peter Schiff)

Ben Stein: My dinner with Warren Buffett

5% Downpayments Are Back As Mortgage Companies Swing For Fences Again

Luxury-Home Owners in U.S. Use ‘Short Sales’ as Defaults Rise

Health bill money for hospital sought by Dodd

Health plans on collision course

Police Officer Responds To "Six-Figure Federal Salary Gravy Train" Post

Welcome to the New South: Just Like the Old South (Hilarious)

Priest outrages police by telling congregation: 'My advice to poor is to shoplift'

Book: Prosecutors were prepared to indict Clintons

Iranian Hackers Bring Down Twitter Site

Scientists discover natural flu-fighting proteins

Boola Boola, Boola Boola: Yale Says Yes, 4 Times


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