Michael Moore's Latest Ad: 'Romney STEALS The Election'
Nov 1, 2012 at 7:31 PM
DailyBail in 2012 Election, ad, cock punch romney, comedy, comedy video, michael moore, politics, seniors, video, voter id, voter suppression

Grandma goes off.

A Message From The Greatest Generation (NSFW) - Profanity Warning

Seniors accuse Romney of stealing the election through voter ID laws.  Not a Michael Moore fan, but this is pretty funny.  One grandmother threatens to cock-punch Romney in the nut satchel.  Moore produced this ad for MoveOn.org, which I mention so that I can link to this classic letter Occupy Wall St. sent to MoveOn telling them to F*CK OFF.

Occasionally, I still can't get an adult beverage without showing a drivers license.  I live in a college town with heavy ID enforcement, but you get my point.  And my point is Beer Suppression.  It must be stopped.  Here's what the ACLU says about voter ID laws.



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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