Michael Arrington: Say Hello To Couch Computing
Jun 5, 2009 at 12:06 AM
DailyBail in couch computing, michael arrington, new technology, nifty technology, tablet pc, tech crunch, techcrunch, touch tablet computer, undefined

Michael Arrington is a genius.  While running TechCrunch, the world's most successful blog on new technology and start-ups, he somehow found the time and focus to destroy HP, Dell, Sony and perhaps even Apple in the race to launch the first ever touch-tablet personal computer.  We think it's so cool that we decided to veer off-topic briefly and show it here.  Visit TechCrunch to see more photos and get the skinny on the CrunchPad. 

The price will likely be $299 for the tablet which has a 12-inch screen and is 18 millimeters thick.

Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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