Max Keiser Says Hank Paulson Has Become The Augusto Pinochet Of Modern Capitalism (Goldman Sachs Criminal Comedy)
Jul 27, 2009 at 12:34 PM
DailyBail in Bailout Comedy, bailouts, criminals, goldman sachs, goldman sachs, government bailout, hank paulson, max keiser, paulson, pinochet, wall street

Max Keiser says Hank Paulson has become the Augusto Pinochet of modern capitalism and that Goldman should be dragged in front of the World Court to answer charges of Human Rights Abuse.  Despite his penchant for hyperbole, Keiser is freaking hilarious.  You will enjoy this.

If you can't watch the entire thing, skip to the 1:25 mark, for Keiser's first rant.  This is the funniest moment of all 3 clips.


Part 2


Video Part 1










Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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