Max Keiser: "Obama's In The Pocket Of Wall Street; He's Been A Failure On This Score, A Huge Disappointment"
Aug 17, 2009 at 12:39 AM
DailyBail in Thorsten Polleit, bailouts, banks, economic video, federal reserve, goldman sachs, max keiser, obama, wall street

( is below)

Another outstanding discussion from Max Keiser.  This time he's paired with Thorsten Polleit, Chief Economist for Barclays Capital.  Completely new to me, Polleit is a monster, in ideas if not presentation.  The discussion begins with an examination of the positive GDP figures released last week in France and Germany, but quickly shifts to the U.S. and our failed policies, regulation (or lack), the Federal Reserve bailouts, and corporate criminals.  Goldman Sachs, Bernanke, over-easy Central Banks, and Keynes are all skewered. 

Polleit is an extreme anti-fiat currency, anti-Cental Bank, anti-debt and anti-Keynesian, and his views in particular should not be missed.  And Keiser is his usual hilarious self as he emasculates the guilty with his strangely appealing, yet undeniably sick sense of humor.  We kid because we care, Max.  Keep up the fight.



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