Marc Faber Says: "Mr. Obama Makes George Bush Look Like A Genius" (VIDEO)
Feb 1, 2010 at 1:31 PM
DailyBail in CNBC, bush, debt, dollar, federal reserve, george bush, marc faber, obama, obama, video, video

Video:  Marc Faber on CNBC's Squawk Box Europe -- January 22, 2010

Outstanding stuff from Faber.  He goes after the Fed for fighting an audit; blasts fiat money systems; and says the U.S. long-term debt problems are 'unsolvable.'

Two bonus Faber clips from the same broadcast have been added below.


Video:  Faber begins at the 5 minute mark.  Just watch the last 2 minutes.


Video:  Faber on the Federal Reserve and fiat money -- excellent clip

The US will likely try to inflate its way out of its fiscal deficits, but many other countries do not have this option as their external debts are denominated in foreign currencies, he wrote in his report.

At some point, market participants will have second thoughts about the ability of governments to pay their debt and will shun sovereign credit, which in turn will take yields higher, accentuating the problem, according to the report.


(Just a screenshot...videos are above)




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